Bid on a three WeeHands items in the AP Month auction and support AP Month and API! WeeHands has donated (1) a copy of "The Baby Signing Book
" by Sara Bingham; (2) a copy of our new children's sign language DVD, "WeeHands At Home"; and (3) a gift certificate for a 4-week online baby sign language class with WeeHands.
Bidding ends October 17 so bid early and often! API and partners Dr., LEAN, AP Canada, ICEA, Mothering Magazine and Infant Massage USA have declared October to be AP Month with a theme this year of "Full of Love: parenting to meet the emotional and physical needs of children." The focus is on childhood obesity prevention and overall health promotion through secure attachments.
Bid early and tell your friends! Other AP Month events: Bid! Donate items to the online auction, submit thematic photos, essays and blog posts and stay tuned to AP Month Central for more info about membership specials, teleseminars, API Reads, giveaways and other events!
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