Sunday, February 01, 2009

Head and Shoulders!

Sing and sign the song "Head and Shoulders" to the tune of “London Bridge”.

Tickle or touch your baby's body parts as you sing. Use the signs for BABY in the song and MORE (with a questioning look) after the song is finished.

When signing and singing with your baby, get down to their level, be animated both with your voice and your hands...most of all have fun! Here are the lyrics to use, both traditional and silly.

Head and shoulders, knees and toes,
knees and toes, knees and toes.
Head and shoulders, knees and toes...
– MY sweet BABY!
Eyes and ear and mouth and nose,
mouth and nose, mouth and nose.
Eyes and ears and mouth and nose...
– MY sweet BABY!"

Gently touch your baby on the body parts named, as you sing and sign the song. Please share your signing games and stories with our WeeHands groups on Yahoo and on Facebook!

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