Sunday, October 31, 2010

What Inspires WeeHands

When I started WeeHands, I had a group of moms to 6 month old babies  sitting with me in my living room, three of the babies were typically developing, one of them, his name is Weldon, has Down syndrome.  His parents knew he had Down syndrome before he was born and after he was born they travelled to Toronto's Sick Kids 2-3 days a week from thier farm in north Durham Region each week since Weldon's birth. They also had a 6 year old little girl who came to class with Weldon so she could learn to sign with her brother. 

Yes, when I met Weldon's family, they had two children, one a baby with special needs, lived on and ran a farm on north Durham Region and commuted for hours a week into Toronto for months. 

Weldon's mom sat through our 8 week baby sign language class watching as the other babies sat up on their own for the first time and starting to crawl.  She knew Weldon would be slow to all these milestones.  After our two month class, we had a little graduate ceremony and she hung back at my front door as the other moms left.  She teared up and said, "Sara, I just wanted to thank you.  This was the first normal thing I've done with my baby".  Weldon's mom inspires me to this day, everyday.

Sign language, is for all children, of all abilities, everywhere.

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