Tuesday, March 02, 2010

More Praise for The Baby Signing Book

This past month brought more words of praise for The Baby Signing Book and I couldn't be more grateful.  Check out what customers at Amazon are saying:

Pamela J.
I took ASL in college (many years ago) so I was interested in a book that would refresh and clear away some of the cob webs of the past instead of starting over with all new signs. I really like the book. I find it easy to follow and good explanations of the signs. It's organized well. My daughter is only 5 months old so I am using it to get me familiar with the signs and doing them so the real testamony will be when I see her doing them!

Elise Miesner
This book has a lot of great ideas and signs. It uses a lot of the same signs other book I have use plus more. I cant wait for my daughter to be old enough to start signing back to me.

Thank you Elise and Pamela!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm curious to check out your book. I've seen from my experience as a parent and an early intervention provider that when children use signs (often ones they've created themselves!), verbal language development is enhanced.